Millions of registered Afghans are hosted in Pakistan, which is the largest refugee population in the world. Every minute, 8 people around the world are forced to flee their homes due to war and persecution. That adds up to 43 million children and their families who are seeking safety. Many travel hundreds of miles to find security, leaving their homes, their possessions, their livelihoods, and even family who are too weak to make the journey behind.

Since March, 2002, The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has facilitated the return of almost 4 million Afghan refugees from the country, but they face uncertain futures. In the Jalozai refugee camp, Yousaf Khan-who fled with his family from Bajaur in 2009-said, "The Taliban can come back and kill us at any time, or else we'll get stuck once again in the fighting between the Army and the Taliban. How can I go back?"

Millions of people have to flee to Pakistan to escape the Taliban and other dangers in Afghanistan. We try to understand what it’s like to live in such hard times like them, but we will never know the full extent of the difficulties refugees have to face.

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